Toxic Mold Releases & Links


The following articles are compelling evidence of the severe health risks associated with prolonged exposure to the toxic, black mold. We at CASI. strongly urge you to visit these educational links. Everyone should know these important facts regarding black mold.

Because we do not maintain the information at these sites, we cannot be responsible for it's accuracy or completeness.

1. Introduction to Molds
2. Combating Mold and Mildew
3. School Board News

4. Mold & Mildew: A Creeping Catastrophe www.claimsmag,com/Issues/aug00/mol.asp
5. Toxic Mold Online Support Group

6. Deadly Mold

7. Pediatric Physicians and Stachybotrys/Aspergillis findings

8. Oregon Attorneys Who Specialize in Mold Claims
9. American Academy of Pediatrics
10. Daily News 
11. Insurance Company News

12. American Lung Association of Minnesota-HealthHouse Mold Control-
Tips for Identifying and Eliminating Household mold
13. MSU Extension Moisture Problems in the Home
14. School indoor air quality questions

Other Helpful Links 

Washington State Department of Health
Is Indoor Mold Contamination a Threat to Health?

California Department of Health Services

New York City Department of Health

Kansas State University Cooperative Extension Service
Controlling Mold Growth in the Home

Virginia Cooperative Extension
How to Prevent and Remove Mildew In Relation To The House and Household Furnishings

North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service
NC State University

Mold, dust mites, fungi, spores, and pollen: Bioareosols in the human environment.

NC State University/A&T State University Cooperative Extension
Moisture Control and Prevention Guide

University of Georgia Extension Service
Moisture Control in Homes

Michigan State University Extension
Moisture Problems in the Home

Mississippi State University Extension Service
Controlling Moisture in the Home

Oregon State University Extension Service
Home Moisture Problems

Clemson Extension
The Billion Dollar Thief: Moisture

Alaska Division of Public Health
Ozone Generators - Warning - Not for Occupied Spaces

U.S. Government Resources

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Center for Environmental Health

National Institutes of Health
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

Mold Allergy

U.S. Department of Agriculture Extension Service
Healthy Indoor Air for America's Homes Project

Indoor Air Quality: Eliminate Molds, Excessive Moisture and Other Biological Pollutants

Non-U.S. Resources

Health Canada

University College Worcester -- National Pollen Research Unit
Fungal Spores and Allergy

Canada Mortagage and Housing Corporation
Moisture and Air: Problems and Remedies

Nova Scotia Natural Resources - ENERinfo Advisor
Ventilation for Older Homes

Other Organizations

American Academy of Pediatrics
Toxic Effects of Indoor Molds

Restoration Consultants -- For Your Information
Looking for answers to mold and remediation issues?

Environmental Building News
The Dangers of Secondary Mold Growth Caused by Improper Remediation of Flooded Buildings

The Family Handyman Magazine
Combating mold and mildew

National Safety Council -- Environmental Health Center
Air Quality Problems Caused by Floods

Environmental Health Watch
Home Moisture Audit

The Tenants Union
Moisture Control in the Home

Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital
Stachybotrys: Pulmonary Hemorrahage and Hemosiderosis in Infants

Environmental Microbiology Laboratory, Incorporated
EM Lab Fungal Glossary
Site contains information on 40 most common genuses and sampling techniques

The Soap & Detergent Association
Clean and Healthy Strategies for Today's Homes
Managing Allergies and Asthma - A Consumer Cleaning Guide

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